Our Queens

Our goal is to breed healthy and well socialized kittens for your family. We adhere to the breed standard of these beautiful and gentle cats. Our cats are raised in our home as well as having a separate cattery building for the kings and queens. The cats and kittens are raised among our family and are used to children and the family dog!
Our buildings are new, spacious, have heat & air and are well maintained. Each building allows the cats a spacious clean environment to roam freely. We do not allow cages in our cattery and will not sell a kitten to anyone that intends to cage their kitten for an extended period of time.
The cats have access in both catteries to go outside to their covered and secure enclosures to exercise, nap, play, and do Maine coon things!
Our adult cats are harness trained and love to be walked and to be admired by people passing by. Maine Coons are known for their extraordinary personalities and loving demeanor.

Liliana. Liliana is our Blue Silver Shaded Tabby. This beauty was imported from Ukraine and is any breeders dream for a maine coon, beautiful, healthy, sweet personality and loves to be brushed. Love her sweet facial features, long full coat and the furry pantaloons on her legs. Her kittens have been as pretty and sweet as she is. Our granddaughter and Lilianna have spent many hours playing dress up.
Mattie. Mattie is a beautiful and spunky black smoke female with that "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" aire about her. She and Cash have produced the most gorgeous and perfect black smoke and blue smoke kittens. She is a wonderful mother and hopefully is expectly a new litter in February. Her favorite evening activity is chasing the feather or being read to on the floor.
Mamie. Mamie is the daughter of our King Victor and Queen LaLuna. Her big square muzzle and length make her so stunning. Mamie is the silliest cat we have. She loves to play and pull our hair to get our attention so we play with her. Mamie is a favorite by every child that meets her because of her silly antics. We are looking forward to seeing Mamie's first litter this spring.
Layla. Our silky, shiney solid black Queen is precious beyond words. She had her first litter this fall and we are already excited about seeing her litter in 2025. She adopted and nursed a rescued kitten while she was nursing her own kittens. She's still young and has several years of growth ahead her to reach her full size so her body length will be excellent. She plays endlessly with everyone and loves to hide in the cat tunnel and jump out at us as we walk by.
Phoebe. Phoebe is a Blue Smoke Tortie and best friend to Liliana. She's a sweet natured beauty who loves to sit in the rocking chair with us at night and watch TV. Phoebe had her first litter this year and blessed us with a variety of colors. All of her kittens were reserved the first day they were posted on our site. Her kittens were blessed with her muzzle and thick silky fur.
LaLuna. She is so elegant and has that beauty queen attitude about her. She is from Ukraine, where she placed in several cat shows. LaLuna is a long and large framed queen that has blessed us with several solid white and high silver kittens. She is expecting a new litter in January 2025.
Lafortuna. Lafortuna came to us from Poland as our Queen in waiting. She is Black Silver Shaded and has a very impressive pedigree. Her bloodline includes Mainefield's Iceman, Alwaro Miss Shaded Bebe. She is a very large cat for 1 year of age. We are anxious to see the large beautiful kittens she will produce when she is mature enough to breed in 2025.